/en/article/12471/they-obtained-money-for-the-industrial-park-from-euro-funds/ They obtained money for the industrial park from Euro funds

They obtained money for the industrial park from Euro funds

Stropkov town succeeded with their project for building-up the industrial park in the brownfiels at former mechanical and tractor station site, for which they obtained the contribution of 3 536 471 Euro from EU structural funds. The money was intended for the first stage of the project called the Regional development of Stropkov town – brownfield industrial park Stropkov. Financial participation of the town on the project will be 5 percentages from the total warranted cost. Reconstruction works, which touch two objects, will last 18 months and bring jobs for 60 employees. Reconstruction of M1 hall is planned in the second stage. In this way the area for creation of 300 new jobs in the whole industrial park will arise there till five years.

The Company EC – EDMA s.r.o. deputized the town for the project submitting. Its representative Eduard Cichý told, that they discuss intensively with investors in the area of locksmithing, electrical industry and production of mixture for building industry. They think about to build solar power plant on the neighbour land. It would cover demands of 1 100 households at the output of 1 MW and it would be the biggest power plant at Stropkov by the volume of produced electricity. Stropkov inhabitants would again want to obtain means from Euro funds to build it. Deputies did not vote about the support of this project yet.

Autor: SITA - Slovak News Agency, Dátum 20.01.2009