/en/article/13619/bvs-plant-the-tender-for-reconstruction-of-the-building-in-presovska-street/ BVS plant the tender for reconstruction of the building in Prešovská Street

BVS plant the tender for reconstruction of the building in Prešovská Street

Bratislava Water Company (BVS) plans to pronounce the public tender for reconstruction of the area and the administrative building of BVS in Bratislava. The object of the planned job order should be building works on office buildings in Prešovská Street in Bratislava according to the preliminary announcement. „The planned tender will have the character of the above-limit job order; it means it will be with the financial volume higher than 5.15 mills Euro, “Zenon Mikle, the company speaker, added.

Autor: SITA - Slovak News Agency, Dátum 28.04.2009