/en/article/13750/bratislava-the-old-city-has-the-planning-scheme-mudronova-north-palisady/ Bratislava: the Old City has the planning scheme Mudroňova north - Palisády

Bratislava: the Old City has the planning scheme Mudroňova north - Palisády

The draft regulation of binding force of the Bratislava Old City, which was to declare a mandatory part of the planning scheme of A4 Mudroňova north – Palisády area, was approved at the last negotiations of the local council. This applies to the territory bounded on the west and southwest by Mudroňova Street, from the north by Šulekova Street and from the east by Palisády. The proposal has been found fourth times on the table of local deputies. The first time it was in March 2007, when it was being approved and there were several amendments at the negotiations. Voting, however, passed only three: 1. The shifting of the side construction line situated in front of the garage in Javorinská Street. 2. The shifting of the construction lines in Zrínskeho Street to the building of the apartment house, 3. Reduction of the building volume coefficient related to the former transfusion station facility in Partizánska Street from 16 to 12 per m2 and the index of build-up area (the ratio of the built area to the total land area) from 0.45 to 0.35.

Autor: SITA - Slovak News Agency, Dátum 12.05.2009