/en/article/14128/sas-architects-and-citizens-welcome-to-the-future-petrzalka/ SAS Architects and citizens: Welcome to the future, Petržalka!

SAS Architects and citizens: Welcome to the future, Petržalka!

The central theme and the name of the next of regular discussions on the architecture in the Jurkovičova hall of the Slovak Architects Society (SAS) last week on Wednesday became the future of Petržalka. This most interesting, important and highly topical issue raised in a wider angle of coverage the member of the Bratislava regional council of SAS – the architect Tomáš Augustín, who at the same time sat down in the moderator chair. After his entry the main architect of Bratislava professor Štefan Šlachta summarized overall problems on development and prospects of Petržalka to the bearing issues. The architect Jozef Vasek, the deputy of the city-planning scheme of Petržalka department then approached individual projects, which the authors then presented by individual presentations.

Functions of urban and above-urban importance

The first presentation devolved to the Municipal centre Bratislava – Petržalka with the total area of 40 ha. The position is defined by the space between Starý most (the Old Bridge) and Prístavný most (the Port Bridge) in connection to the Danube meander in the northern part and to the highway communication – the bypass – on the southern part. However, very interesting and precise urban concept, which was in this form essentially finished in 2006, is currently in the deadlock, because the problem originated with the settlement of the urban lands and their new owners, who had probably another idea about their utilization.

Martha Kropiláková the architect from the implementation team of MARKROP defined three main principles of this project. The first speaks about a clear urban structure that is created in the Danube meander involving its arms and greenery in the blocks – opposed to the urban structure lying on the opposite shore. The second strictly follows the implantation of the existing and proposed green vegetation to the new structure (with the contact to the existing Sad Janka Kráľa – Janko Kráľ Garden), while the axis of perception provides a nice view of the Bratislava Castle in particular formations. The third principle defines the function, so that there is a segregation of semantic spaces. In the central part there are placed civic amenities of urban and above-urban importance (here it was also considered the multifunctional hall), in tangent spaces with a bypass then with mixed build-up of housing and classical urban functions.

The need to define high-dominants

With another project the discussion penetrated more into the municipal district. In contact to the Chorvátske rameno (the Croatian Arm) in the northeastern position of Petržalka is determined the Petržalka City project, which we approached thanks the member of authors team – Professor Tibor Alexy. He also defined the main principles of the concept, which are the creation of the block urban structure with the active involvement of Chorvátske rameno incentive. He most of all highlighted the need for defining height dominants, physical definition of squares and mainly the classical urban boulevard – aspects that Petržalka is absolutely lacking.

The height dominants are „a general problem“ of Petržalka. Professor Alexy draw attention to it also in connection with the fact that they proposed 40-storied building (totally three height objects) in the contact to the Starý most (the Old Bridge), it means at the entrance to the City part, but Petržalka local authority wanted to reduce the number to 25 up to 30 floors.

At the end of the presentation Alexy remarked that particular projects of Petržalka parts are acceptable, but lacking the sort of kneaded elements, thereby he also indicated the need for total solutions approach to this part of town.

New insights into the former area of Matadorka

The western part of Petržalka was probably always talking about at least – mainly because once upon communism it was, due to its location, near the „problematic“ western border (the so-called Iron Curtain) actually, in terms of its development, a full taboo. Therefore, the third presentation of the architect Ivan Kočan – the project of the former factory Matador conversion to a new urban structure – generated increased interest. This 12– hectare area originally bought the Italian manufacturer of rubber products and planned to produce these products in the reconstructed halls. Thereafter, however, he found that such production on the site would not be so beneficial for him, so he started with the already-mentioned proposal for the conversion and the construction of the new urban structure by recovery of former production sites, respectively by their rebuilding.

Kočan emphasized savouriness of the throughout situation, because the investor is not a classical developer. He also highlighted the location of the site – as a strategic point at the entrance to the city, with excellent connections to the existing transport and rail networks. Overall, it is expected the creation of up to 600 thousand m2 of useful area for housing and civic amenities and 12 thousand parking spaces, while the territory is defined as mixed, with production services. The urban study and the project for the land decision have already been processed. Since the area is defined as the production one in the Bratislava city planning scheme, it will need to approve the amendment to a mixed function. The architect Kočan also, similarly as professor Alexy, stressed the need to address the overall concept solution and composition of height dominants in the municipality of Petržalka and he presented it in his project. It was really interesting to know the possibilities of new perspectives creation on the arrival from the western side to the former Matadorka area.

The vision – quality urbanized environment

After Kočan performance fruitful discussion occurred. The moderator had, given the limited time, „a small“ problem: to satisfy all discussing, among which was not missing the Petržalka mayor Milan Ftáčnik or the architect – urbanist Bohuš Kováč. Became a pleasant the discovery that presents person were not only architects, citizens – residents of Petržalka, representatives of municipality and magistrate, but also young people – artists and designers, who really took this topic. In the discussion were, of course, also displayed other projects (Petržalka – South city, Municipal forest-part– Draždiak or Aquacity).

It therefore only hope and believe that our greatest urbanized environment, where live more than 150-thousand people, will get with its projects to the high level of urban conglomerate, which will provide an excellent space for people living there as well as visitors from the city or abroad. To do so, it will be devoted much creative effort of all concerned, but now it is clear that the chosen path is good. Welcome to the future, Petržalka!

Photo – author
1– Chorvátske rameno (Croatian Arm) – Petržalka City
2 – City forest park Veľký Draždiak
3 – New and original structures near tangent
4 – New structures – a new centre (background left)
5 – View from the Matador area to new height dominants
6 – View from the future City to high-dominants

Autor: Ing. arch. Miro Minca, Dátum 09.06.2009