/en/print/12963/zsps-proposes-to-the-government-to-accept-temporary-tax-measures/ ZSPS proposes to the government to accept temporary tax measures

ZSPS proposes to the government to accept temporary tax measures

The Union of Building Entrepreneurs of Slovakia (ZSPS) supports the government measures in order to mitigate impacts of the economic crisis, however, it recommends accepting them also in the tax area…

The Union of Building Entrepreneurs of Slovakia (ZSPS) supports the government measures in order to mitigate impacts of the economic crisis, however, it recommends accepting them also in the tax area together. VAT for building works mainly for public investors like villages, cities and state ought to be reduced or temporary cancelled at least as Ján Majerský, the president of ZSPS, informed, by which bigger opportunities for further public investments would create. „These institutions are not VAT payers. Our services for them, if we will invoice them 19%, are always more expensive and they cannot deduct them,“Majerský told additionally. If VAT would be calculated into the price of building works, villages and town would have by so many means more and could use them for further investments.

Autor: SITA - Slovak News Agency, Dátum 03.03.2009