/en/print/13111/building-office-performance-should-remain-under-villages-administration-in-all-the-range/ Building office performance should remain under villages’ administration in all the range

Building office performance should remain under villages’ administration in all the range

The Department of Construction and Regional Development of SR (MVRR) accepted the request of the Association of Towns and Villages of Slovakia (ZMOS), after the repugnance proceeding, to let the…

The Department of Construction and Regional Development of SR (MVRR) accepted the request of the Association of Towns and Villages of Slovakia (ZMOS), after the repugnance proceeding, to let the building office performance under villages’ administration in all the range in the frame of the transferred state administration. The city districts in Bratislava and Košice ought to execute this activity. „The common local authority establishment is proposed for the building office performance connected with professional, administrative and organizational operations, “MVRR informs in connection with the bill draft of the new building law. Villages, which are not incorporated into the common local authority, ought to provide the building office performance by their local authority. The new building law propose extending duties to elaborate the own planning scheme also for villages above one thousand inhabitants. Till now it related to the villages above 2 thousand inhabitants.

Autor: SITA - Slovak News Agency, Dátum 17.03.2009