/en/print/13127/building-savings-bank-spent-skk-22016-billion-on-housing-least-year/ Building savings bank spent SKK 22.016 billion on housing least year

Building savings bank spent SKK 22.016 billion on housing least year

Last year, building savings banks operating on the Slovak market spent SKK 22.016 billion (EUR 730.8 million) on housing. Year-on-year, this marks a decline by 3.1%. As indicated by the Board…

Last year, building savings banks operating on the Slovak market spent SKK 22.016 billion (EUR 730.8 million) on housing. Year-on-year, this marks a decline by 3.1%. As indicated by the Board Chairman of Wüstenrot stavebná sporiteľna Karl Peter Giller, however, the current housing market is stagnating. According to him, people are concerned about their future and therefore postpone their decisions to buy real estates, in spite of their falling prices. But clients are interested in appreciating their savings until the market stabilizes again. The money disbursed on housing in WSS dropped by 18.4% to SKK 4.146 billion (EUR 137.6 million). The biggest building savings bank – Prvá stavebná sporiteľňa (PSS) – spent SKK 15.24 billion (EUR 505.9 million) on housing last year, marking a 1.4% increase. ČSOB stavebná sporiteľňa spent SKK 2.63 billion (EUR 87.3 million) on housing, i.e. a year-on-year increase of 0.8%. Altogether, they recorded 226,100 new contracts last year, with the total volume of target sums of SKK 67.225 billion (EUR 2.231 billion).

Autor: SITA - Slovak News Agency, Dátum 17.03.2009