/en/print/13763/petrzalka-plans-to-revitalize-ovsistske-square/ Petržalka plans to revitalize Ovsištské Square

Petržalka plans to revitalize Ovsištské Square

Bratislava-Petržalka plans to revitalize Ovsištské Square. The city district intends to improve the environment, the possibility for relax and to enhance the attractiveness of this site by this step.…

Bratislava-Petržalka plans to revitalize Ovsištské Square. The city district intends to improve the environment, the possibility for relax and to enhance the attractiveness of this site by this step. Plans are still in the form of project program. This involves the terrain adjusting and grassing, planting bushes and trees grown, construction of pavements as well as embedding benches, baskets and small architecture. The design documentation for the revitalization has to be worked out. It should answer the question, namely, how Ovsištské Square could look in the future. Currently the cost around 107 183 € is estimated for the project of the site renovation; the city district intends to apply also for the money from Euro funds in this regard. Deputies therefore agreed co-financing the project and the allocation of 5 360 € from the budget of the city district. The amount represents the required 5%, which is the condition for the submission of the application.

Autor: SITA - Slovak News Agency, Dátum 12.05.2009