/en/print/13940/disillusionment-from-the-madaric-proposal-to-sell-the-area-of-stv/ Disillusionment from the Maďarič proposal to sell the area of STV

Disillusionment from the Maďarič proposal to sell the area of STV

The Slovak Association of Journalists (SAN) is disillusioned by the government decision to approve the proposal of the Minister of Culture Marek Maďarič on the sale of the STV area in Bratislava…

The Slovak Association of Journalists (SAN) is disillusioned by the government decision to approve the proposal of the Minister of Culture Marek Maďarič on the sale of the STV area in Bratislava Mlynská dolina. „The construction of the new complex by the form of PPP project is not a rational approach and the proposal of the Minister loses the sense, especially in the present global economic crisis,“ said Štefan Dlugolinský, the chairman of SAN, in the opinion. In the STV spaces there is an archive of incalculable value and the area has non fungible position in our media industries by its location, space possibilities and technical facilities, capable of further modernization and development. „The proposed project located in the city centre next to the new SND, which is hidden sectional interest of developers, does not meet even those most elementary requirements for its purpose," he emphasized. SAN does not agree with the intention of the culture department and restores the petition issued in December 2008 against the sell of the STV area in Mlynská dolina.

Autor: SITA - Slovak News Agency, Dátum 26.05.2009