/en/print/14440/luxury-real-estates-in-v4-are-the-most-expensive-in-bratislava/ Luxury real estates in V4 are the most expensive in Bratislava

Luxury real estates in V4 are the most expensive in Bratislava

In the context of the Visegrad Four (V4) is the capital city of Slovak Republic the most expensive in the segment of luxury housing compared to the average of the other three countries by up to 30%.…

In the context of the Visegrad Four (V4) is the capital city of Slovak Republic the most expensive in the segment of luxury housing compared to the average of the other three countries by up to 30%. This follows from the analysis of UniCredit Bank, according to which the price of luxury housing reached 3.77 thousand Euro per m2 in Bratislava at the turn of years 2008–2009. Bratislava was in this segment even more expensive by 22% than neighbouring Vienna. The high price of luxury housing in Slovakia together with low returns represents lowered attractiveness to purchase the property, what has already become evident from the prices cut. „It is likely that the weak domestic economy and a lack of foreign investors will ride luxury prices down,“ said the bank.

Autor: SITA - Slovak News Agency, Dátum 07.07.2009