/en/print/14459/in-case-of-ppp-failure-other-alternatives-will-be-seeking/ In case of PPP failure other alternatives will be seeking

In case of PPP failure other alternatives will be seeking

In case of the failure to conclude the highway projects of public-private partnership (PPP) in the anticipated timeframe, the Ministry of Finance jointly with the Ministry of Transport and the…

In case of the failure to conclude the highway projects of public-private partnership (PPP) in the anticipated timeframe, the Ministry of Finance jointly with the Ministry of Transport and the Government will seek alternatives for their implementation. On the problems of financing the stages of D1 highway and R1 speedway from private sources, highlights the information of the Government's representative for highways and speedways Igor Choma. „Compared with the past as a result of the financial crisis significantly reduced the interest of commercial banks to finance long-term projects, which include highway PPP projects,“ says Choma in the report.

Autor: SITA - Slovak News Agency, Dátum 07.07.2009