/en/print/14710/the-state-will-also-support-insulating-homes-with-15-of-unchanged-windows/ The state will also support insulating homes with 15% of unchanged windows

The state will also support insulating homes with 15% of unchanged windows

The state support for the insulation of houses can also use residents of the flat houses in which maximally 15% of window areas is not insulated or changed respectively. The government allocated…

The state support for the insulation of houses can also use residents of the flat houses in which maximally 15% of window areas is not insulated or changed respectively. The government allocated totally 71 million Euro for the program of the state support in the insulation. To the program may involve physical and legal persons who can apply for an interest-free loan with a maturity of up to 15 years for the full refinancing of eligible construction costs. The earmarked funds under the program would help to insulate 18 thousand to 25 thousand residential units according to the Ministry of Construction. The candidates may apply for the loan the State Housing Development Fund (ŠFRB) through municipal offices from the beginning of July.

Autor: SITA - Slovak News Agency, Dátum 04.08.2009