/en/print/14919/bratislava-started-an-administrative-procedure-due-to-closing-the-riverbank/ Bratislava: started an administrative procedure due to closing the riverbank

Bratislava: started an administrative procedure due to closing the riverbank

Today the city of Bratislava began an administrative proceeding in connection with the partial closure of Nábrežie arm. generála L. Svobodu (The Riverbank of army general L. Svoboda). For treatment…

Today the city of Bratislava began an administrative proceeding in connection with the partial closure of Nábrežie arm. generála L. Svobodu (The Riverbank of army general L. Svoboda). For treatment of communication related to construction of Bratislava River Park was originally envisaged the transport limitations till August 22, but they continue. „The builder has a valid building permit,“ said the city spokeswoman Szabóová. Therefore the city invites the builder to ask for an extension permit. „So far not responded to the request, the city had not received an application from them,“ stated the spokeswoman. The capital as the road administration body, has begun proceedings, the builder can be fined up to 33 thousand €. The city such way begins fulfilling its goal in case of violating terms in the permit for digging. The municipality intends to respond to the ignoramus and arrogance of some firms while digging.

Autor: SITA - Slovak News Agency, Dátum 01.09.2009