/en/print/15146/bratislava-the-ruzinov-building-office-authorized-the-increase-of-retro-to-25-floors/ Bratislava: the Ružinov Building Office authorized the increase of Retro to 25 floors

Bratislava: the Ružinov Building Office authorized the increase of Retro to 25 floors

The Building Office in Bratislava Ružinov authorized the increase of the Retro multifunctional complex by 8 floors. The investor Centaurea should build the 25-storey tower instead of the 17-storey…

The Building Office in Bratislava Ružinov authorized the increase of the Retro multifunctional complex by 8 floors. The investor Centaurea should build the 25-storey tower instead of the 17-storey one on the site of the former Jadran shopping centre in Nevädzova Street. About a year ago the Ružinov mayor Slavomír Drozd disagreed with the raising. According to the city district, however, it is a change of construction before completion. The Magistrate appealed to the County Building Office against the Ružinov Building Office decision on the increase of Retro.

Autor: SITA - Slovak News Agency, Dátum 29.09.2009