/en/print/15536/construction-production-declined-by-169-percent-in-september/ Construction production declined by 16.9 percent in September

Construction production declined by 16.9 percent in September

The semi-year construction output decline, which continues since the beginning of the year, widened to 16.9% in the volume of 546.4 million € in September. As reported the Statistical Office of SR,…

The semi-year construction output decline, which continues since the beginning of the year, widened to 16.9% in the volume of 546.4 million € in September. As reported the Statistical Office of SR, the decline was significantly influenced by the high comparable basis of last year, when September was in terms of the volume of realized production the strongest month last year. Taking the seasonal influences into account, the construction output in September decreased by 6.2% compared with previous month. In 9 months it achieved 4.232 billion, what is by 8.8% less than in the same period last year.

Autor: SITA - Slovak News Agency, Dátum 18.11.2009