/en/print/16863/zvolen-retail-park-one-of-the-largest-shopping-zones/ Zvolen: Retail park – one of the largest shopping zones

Zvolen: Retail park – one of the largest shopping zones

A 28-hectare shopping zone named Retail park, which is under construction at the north-western edge of Zvolen, will provide space for 10 to 15 supermarkets. It is being built by CC Development. As…

A 28-hectare shopping zone named Retail park, which is under construction at the north-western edge of Zvolen, will provide space for 10 to 15 supermarkets. It is being built by CC Development. As Rastislav Čačko, representative of their management, informed directly after completing the construction of the utility lines, the first retail chain clients will start building their supermarkets there. The investor has invested approximately EUR 25 mill. so far in the purchase of land and construction of infrastructure. Work on two crossroads which will be the transport connection to Retail park, will start next week. Foreign retail chains as well as large furniture chains, hobby-markets and car sellers have expressed their interest in the future retail zone.

Autor: SITA - Slovak News Agency, Dátum 11.05.2010