/en/print/19790/construction-output-in-june-fell-by-12-to-eur-525-million/ Construction output in June fell by 1.2% to EUR 525 million

Construction output in June fell by 1.2% to EUR 525 million

Construction output in June recorded a year-on-year decline of 1.2% to EUR 524.8 million, while it decreased third month in a row. After seasonal adjustment, it was higher by 2% compared to May,…

Construction output in June recorded a year-on-year decline of 1.2% to EUR 524.8 million, while it decreased third month in a row. After seasonal adjustment, it was higher by 2% compared to May, Slovak Statistical Office (SO) has informed. It amounted to EUR 2.322 billion on average in the first half and it decreased by 3.5% year-on-year.

The production of construction companies carried out in June on the domestic market declined by 2% to EUR 508.2 million. Its share on total construction output fell by 0.8 percentage points to 96.8%. “Decreasing domestic production was affected mainly by the decrease of construction work on repair and maintenance by 25.8%,“ SO informed. The volume of new work, including modernizations and reconstructions, grew for the first time this year, it strengthened by 3.6%.

Autor: SITA, Dátum 16.08.2011