/en/print/20335/flats-sell-best-in-prague-5/ Flats sell best in Prague 5

Flats sell best in Prague 5

The most new flats in projects with over fifty flats were sold in Prague 5. Of the total number of 2,492 sold flats, 673 were Prague 5 – ie. 27%. Most flats offered are in Prague 9 where there are 1,892 vacant flats currently. This data was brought by the latest analysis by Ekospol. According to its results, demand for newly-built properties concentrates in three main areas with a market share totalling to nearly 70%. Apart from Prague 5, highly sought-after locations are Prague 9 with 610 sold flats (24.5%) and Prague 10 with 455 sold flats (18.3%).

“It is well-known that Prague is divided into four large development locations – the three above-mentioned together with Prague 4. This year we witnessed for the first time ever the three most attractive locations to have up to 70% of the total demand in the capital,“ says Evžen Korec, general manager at Ekospol.

If we compare the number of sold flats in this year´s first to third quarters to the same period last year, we see a growth from 1,954 sold flats last year to 2,492 this year, which is a yoy increase by 27.5%. This is quite a high number. If we compare sales in individual city districts, we will see that sales grew yearly in most of them. There has been a decline only in the city centre – Prague 1,2,3 and a little surprisingly also Prague 9. The least attractive in the long term is mainly Prague 3 where mere 26 (!!!) of the total 500 offered flats were sold in this year´s three quarters. This is probably caused by persisting high flat prices.

Autor: SF / pb, Dátum 22.11.2011