/en/article/13213/according-to-mr-miklos-the-state-should-subsidy-overcladding-of-houses/ According to Mr. Mikloš, the state should subsidy overcladding of houses

According to Mr. Mikloš, the state should subsidy overcladding of houses

Concerning overcladding of residential houses, much better solution for people as well as economy would be if the state provides a subsidy amounting to 25% of overcladding costs. If this happens this year, the subsidy should represent up to half of the price. According to the opposition SDKÚ-DS party, higher subsidy would motivate people to clad their houses over now when the economic crisis culminates. “People would have lower bills for heat, power and gas. They would have more money for living. The jobs as well as work particularly for small and medium building companies would be created evenly throughout Slovakia,” reasoned this proposal its vice-president Ivan Mikloš. Another 1,000 jobs should be created indirectly at manufacturers, haulers and in other trades as metal workers and tillers. Influence upon Slovak economy would be higher than in case of scrapping bonus. The overcladding funds would create jobs contrary to scrapping bonus.

Autor: SITA - Slovak News Agency, Dátum 24.03.2009