/en/article/13830/building-savings-banks-gave-1201-mills-euro-for-housing-in-a-quarter/ Building savings banks gave 120.1 mills Euro for housing in a quarter

Building savings banks gave 120.1 mills Euro for housing in a quarter

Building savings banks in Slovak market supported housing with 120.1 mills Euro in the first quarter 2009. It presents decrease by 36.7% semi-early. The decrease of business results of savings banks is influenced by stagnation of the residential market; people postponed their decisions on purchase for later due to fears about the future. In the First Building Savings Bank decreased the volume of paid-on means semi-early by 41% to 71 mills Euro, in Wüstenrot Building Savings Bank by 35.9 % to 27.5 mills Euro and in ČSOB Building Savings Bank by 18.8 % to 21.6 mills Euro.

As told Miloš Blanárik, the communication director of the First Building Savings Bank, the decline reflects reality of economic power of population in terms of their economic stability prognosis: „Clients close contracts on construction savings with lower initial target amount, what means a lower fee for them while not limited in the amount of their deposits.“ As said Daniela Vlčková, the Wüstenrot Building Savings Bank spokeswoman, the atmosphere under the influence of negative reporting has resulted in greater caution.

Autor: SITA - Slovak News Agency, Dátum 19.05.2009