/en/article/14118/hb-reavis-to-build-aupark-in-kosice/ HB Reavis to build Aupark in Košice

HB Reavis to build Aupark in Košice

Košice’s Aupark has the top priority among all prepared projects of the company HB Reavis Group, as its preparations still continue, said the company’s spokesman Roman Karabelli in response to criticism by the city councillors Mária Gamcová and Stanislav Kočiš, who said that the completion of Aupark was jeopardized because of the crisis, the city should get the land back and not allow the felling of 200 trees. “We cannot estimate when the valid building permits will be issued. We will build the road on the Námestí Osloboditeľov Square in a four-lane profile, quite in line with the valid zoning plan,” said Karabelli. As he added, the company is convinced that Aupark and its parameters will earn the banks’ confidence. The property developer can at any time document the money used to build the road, worth EUR 9.9 million.

Autor: SITA - Slovak News Agency, Dátum 09.06.2009