/en/article/15811/cross-border-project-rocer-presented-in-kosice/ Cross-border project ROCER presented in Košice

Cross-border project ROCER presented in Košice

A mutual project focused on tourism development in border areas of eastern Slovakia and northern Hungary was presented by representatives of Miskolc and Košice. The partner cities contribute 5 % to its financing, 10 % is funded from the state budget and 85 % (EUR 275.321) comes from the cross-border programe Slovakia-Hungary. Košice, as the project leader, received non-returnable grant of EUR 194.549. „One of the first tangible outcomes will be promotion material of the towns of Košice and Miskolc which should be available in mid-February 2010. We are also working on language versions of Košice webpage available among others in Hungarian,“ said the project manager Terézia Vysocká.

Autor: SITA / jup, Dátum 22.12.2009