/en/article/14707/two-houses-with-78-rental-apartments-totally-will-be-constructed-at-trebisov/ Two houses with 78 rental apartments totally will be constructed at Trebišov

Two houses with 78 rental apartments totally will be constructed at Trebišov

Two apartment houses with 78 rental apartments totally should grow at Trebišov at the housing development South I in two years. The estimated cost of the construction works represent 3.47 million Euro, VAT excluded. Under the terms of the invitation to tender the construction of two apartment houses, including the adequate technical facilities, will be financed from the state subsidy from the Ministry of Construction and Regional Development and from Trebišov own funds. It appears from the information published in the Journal of Public Procurement.

Autor: SITA - Slovak News Agency, Dátum 04.08.2009