/en/article/14885/the-draft-amendment-to-the-law-on-procurement-returns-to-government/ The draft amendment to the Law on Procurement returns to Government

The draft amendment to the Law on Procurement returns to Government

The Government has once again to discuss a draft amendment to the Law on Public Procurement by the new wording of the Chairman of the Public Procurement Office (ÚVO) Béla Angyal at the next sitting. The proposed amendment to the Law on Procurement mainly modifies review procedures and assumes the European Directive of December 2007 on the review procedures. The amendment proposes to modify concessions on services, as well as clarifying the provisions of the Public Procurement Act. The introduction of the new institute is expected, i.e. the procedure of the office on the proposal to impose a ban execution of the contract, conditioned by payment of deposit. With the European directive on review procedures should be harmonized the postponed periods for contracts closing. The reason for re-suspending the government sitting on the draft amendment to the Law on Public Procurement on June 24 was impeachment of the European directives implementation.

Autor: SITA - Slovak News Agency, Dátum 25.08.2009