/en/article/14101/the-law-on-sfhd-must-be-adjusted-for-the-program-of-houses-insulation/ The Law on SFHD must be adjusted for the program of houses insulation

The Law on SFHD must be adjusted for the program of houses insulation

The Ministry of Construction and Regional Development proposes to amend the Law on the State Fund of Housing Development (SFHD) and the Construction Act in connection with the implementation of the recently approved governmental program on houses insulation. Law on SFHD in its current form does not allow powering the fund to offer activities associated with providing a support under the program. The proposed amendment modifies the scope of the fund also for activities related to the implementation of the program of houses insulation. The amendment of the Construction Act will appropriately adjust the scope of the state administration transferred to the municipal offices in the region according to the Ministry of Construction. The amendment of both laws should come into effect on July 01, 2009. On May 20 the government approved the allocation of 71 mills Euro for insulation of family and residential houses.

Autor: SITA - Slovak News Agency, Dátum 09.06.2009