/en/article/14915/pienstav-had-a-profit-in-the-first-half-of-this-year/ Pienstav had a profit in the first half of this year

Pienstav had a profit in the first half of this year

The construction company Pienstav achieved the revenues of 4.36 million Euro in the first half of this year and in the semi-year comparison this figure represents 1.3%. As is apparent from published data, the company development is positive in terms of management compared with the previous year. However, the company struggles with a secondary insolvency, which is made hard due to long maturities of invoices from 60 to 90 days and claims more than 360 days. Compared to the loss of 81.2 thousand Euro recorded in the first six months of last year, the company created 44.5 thousand Euro profit this year. Company plans to realize the volume of 13.6 million Euro revenues in the second half of 2009. „Negative is the suspension of works for the Dutch investor in Bratislava for the construction of a residential house with the total budgetary cost of 5.74 million Euro, "the company affirms in the half-year financial report.

Autor: SITA - Slovak News Agency, Dátum 01.09.2009