/en/article/13272/bratislava-the-medical-centre-reconstruction-is-planned-at-vajnory/ Bratislava: The medical centre reconstruction is planned at Vajnory

Bratislava: The medical centre reconstruction is planned at Vajnory

Bratislava Vajnory will reconstruct the medical centre on the square in the so-called second centre of the municipal district. The building is approximately 30 years in a very bad state by Major Ján Mrva opinion. „We intend to enhance medical treatment to inhabitants as well as to bring more social facility,“ he told. But the municipal district do not plan to reconstruct the centre alone, it enters the project with 2 private investors. The municipal district will have 34-percentatages shares in the established company; both firms will have 33-percentages shares each of them. „We will insert the ground with the building. Investors pay in money,“ Mrva explained. The repair should already start in year 2010 according to the major opinion, whereas it ought to cost about 414 924 Euro according to current estimations. Internist, paediatric, dentist, gynaecology or gastroenterology would hold ambulances in the new medical centre. Also a bank, a post office, an insurance office and retail services could seat in the reconstructed building besides the ambulances.

Autor: SITA - Slovak News Agency, Dátum 31.03.2009