/en/article/17235/future-centre-right-government-to-re-evaluate-execution-of-ppp-projects/ Future centre-right government to re-evaluate execution of PPP projects

Future centre-right government to re-evaluate execution of PPP projects

Four centre-right parties forming the future government coalition plan to re-evaluate further execution of motorway public-private partnership projects. They want to take into account experience and results from projects already realized aiming at more efficient construction of transport infrastructure. Programme points of SDKÚ-DS, SaS, KDH a Most-Híd include this within the Ministry of Transport, Posts and Telecommunication of SR competence. “We will abolish the broad gauge railway project. We will liberalize Slovak post with guarantee of universal postal service. We will save Bratislava airport and Cargo by introducing strong strategic investors,“ the forming coalition promises. They want to redirect the Eurofunds resources allocated to support of private companies into infrastructure construction.

Autor: SITA, Dátum 29.06.2010