/en/article/12873/the-standard-ahas-to-be-checked-up-thoroughly/ The standard „A“has to be checked-up thoroughly

The standard „A“has to be checked-up thoroughly

HB Reavis Slovakia a.s. Company has launched two-months information campaign about internationally approved standards assigned to office spaces. The marketing slang of various developers tries often namely to sell using not existing categories, like B++, A+ or A*. Not correct assignment of these not clear symbols results in customer misleading. HB Reavis Slovakia follows strictly the classification A, B, C, which was implemented by prestigious gainless independent organisation the Urban Land Institute. The goal of the campaign is to increase awareness of public in building standards of office real estates and to offer measurable, internationally assigned criterions by that, which will help to evaluate quality of being offered spaces to potential interested party.

Autor: SITA - Slovak News Agency, Dátum 24.02.2009