/en/article/13384/the-state-embattled-against-the-crisis-will-support-warming-up-by-millions-euro/ The state „embattled“ against the crisis will support warming up by millions Euro

The state „embattled“ against the crisis will support warming up by millions Euro

The state will support the houses warming up by millions Euro. As Robert Fico told after the Thursday proceeding of the Council for Economic Crisis, its members decided that they would go through increase of ŠFRB sources. The state ought to pour another 66.39 mills Euro into the system of warming up by his opinion. Next crossing out expenditures of some Departments will provide the financing of ŠFRB sources increase. As Ján Počiatek, the minister of finances added, providing this amount is real in the frame of allocation sources of particular chapters yet, even thought reserves are minimizing. By Fico the amount ought to be mainly utilized for the warming up of houses, because the goal of this measure is to increase energy effectiveness.

Autor: SITA - Slovak News Agency, Dátum 07.04.2009