/en/article/15431/density-of-motorways-in-slovakia-will-be-lag-despite-ppp-projects/ Density of motorways in Slovakia will be lag despite PPP projects

Density of motorways in Slovakia will be lag despite PPP projects

Slovakia will belong among the lagging countries in terms of the density of motorway network despite relatively jump construction of about 155 km of motorways through PPP projects. It stated analysts of UniCredit Bank, according to which Czech Republic, for example, will have about 19% denser network. Better for it will also be Hungary by 43%, Austria by 120% and Germany, which density of motorways will be 220% higher than in Slovakia. Big investments in motorways construction will also change the structure of Slovak construction according to the analysts. Construction of buildings will continue to suffer and hence a significant proportion of capacity building will be moved to the infrastructure.

Autor: SITA - Slovak News Agency, Dátum 03.11.2009