/en/article/16115/bratislava-the-investor-has-building-permission-for-central/ Bratislava: The investor has building permission for Centrál

Bratislava: The investor has building permission for Centrál

Immocap Group – the investor in a new multifunction complex Centrál which will be built in the Miletičova, Metodova and Jelačičova streets area in Bratislava received the building permission last year already. It came into force on 22nd December. A multifunction complex with the area of 2 ha will be built in place of former baths which will include a one-hectare town park. Marcel Klimek, director of the investment and development company said that ground preparatory works for starting construction are currently under way. “We are in the stage of obtaining the general contractor for building works,” he continued. His estimate of the cost of construction is EUR 100 mill. Opening of the complex is scheduled for autumn 2012.

Autor: SITA - Slovak News Agency, Dátum 09.02.2010