/en/article/14183/in-april-building-production-in-sr-decreased-of-139-percent/ In April, building production in SR decreased of 13.9 percent

In April, building production in SR decreased of 13.9 percent

This year’s decrease in building production continues. The volume has decreased interannually of 13.9 % in April, to EUR 456 mill. During 4 months of 2009 it decreased interannually of 13.7 %; to EUR 1.497 billion. According to the information by Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic, the average daily production decreased interannually of 5.3 %. Compare to previous month and after taking into consideration the seasonal influence, building production decreased of 3 %. The domestic building production represented EUR 438.9 million and interannually it was 13 % lower. Its contribution to overall building production increases of 1 percent point. “Development of domestic production was influenced by inerannual decrease in new construction including modernisation and reconstructions.

Autor: SITA - Slovak News Agency, Dátum 16.06.2009