/en/article/14776/construction-of-the-complex-at-racianske-myto-will-begin-around-the-end-of-the-year/ Construction of the complex at Račianske mýto will begin around the end of the year

Construction of the complex at Račianske mýto will begin around the end of the year

The investor – I.P.R. Slovakia plans to begin the construction of the complex at Račianske mýto in Bratislava (at the corner of Mýtna and Radlinského Streets) later this year. „Up to this day we have booked a rent of 30% of premises," confirmed Pavel Machava from Media One, who is in charge of the company external communication. At the site of a former catering Drevená dedina (Wooden village) will grow the multifunctional house with 13 aboveground and 2 underground floors. „To increase comfort of the inhabitants from the forthcoming buildings surrounding and future tenants we will change the entrance to the parking place,“ explained Machava.

Autor: SITA - Slovak News Agency, Dátum 11.08.2009