/en/article/14442/the-fast-train-tgv-will-connect-bratislava-and-paris-in-seven-years/ The fast train TGV will connect Bratislava and Paris in seven years

The fast train TGV will connect Bratislava and Paris in seven years

The super high-speed train TGV would connect Bratislava and Paris in seven years. The French high-speed train would pass this route in six hours. „The project to build the TGV between Paris and Bratislava is planned for the years 2010 through 2013. The connection should be finished in 2016, " said Miroslav Lajčák, the foreign minister, at the meeting of the France-Slovak chamber of commerce in Bratislava. The project would cost 475 million Euro.

Autor: SITA - Slovak News Agency, Dátum 07.07.2009